Official Statistics for CCE2016
Source:Organizing Committee of CCE
2016-09-12 10:46:23
Click: 6686
According to professional organization statistics, CCE2016 pulled a record attendance of 37804 people, total about 19038 attendees participated in the past event.
Exhibitor Statistics  
--CCE2016 has attracted 528 exhibitors from 21 different countries and regions. 
--120 international exhibitors and 408 Chinese exhibitors.
--Exhibition area is 40000 sqm.
--5899 attendees are from 528 exhibitors, 5.7% up than last year.
--More than 80% of the exhibitors of CCE2016 have re-booked a stand for CCE2017 in Shanghai.
Business Visitor Statistics
--Total 13139 visitors attended CCE2016 from 56 countries and regions, 99% of whom stated that they would like to receive information about CCE2017 and to revisit CCE next year.
--1434 international visitors attended CCE2016, 43.7% up than last year. 11705 Chinese visitors participated in CCE2016, 34.8% more than last year.
Conferences and Innovation Awards Program
--Three High Forums focused on “Current Status of China Composites Industry and Innovative Development in Thermoplastic Composites”, “Application and Development of Carbon Fiber and Advanced Composite Materials” and “Development of Bio-Based Composite Materials” were held.
-- 37 technical seminars were held in the same period of CCE2016
-- 3 companies hosted news release on site.
-- Two technical training courses focused on “Curing Technology of Hybrid Resin with Different Fibers (Carbon & Glass)” and “Design and Construction of Wholly Composite Building Structures”. 
-- Within 3 categories of Raw Materials, Application, Process Technology & Equipment, 36 products from 34 companies competed for the “CCE-JEC Innovation Awards”, and 11 winners emerged at last. 